Cecilia Mouat, Identity: The Performative Construction of the Self-Portrait, 2011 Digital video, mirror
Lee Cherry, Patrick FitzGerald, Karoon McDowell, Facebook Friend, 2011 Digital interactive, wood, mirror
Lee Cherry, Patrick FitzGerald, The Ladder, 2011 Digital interactive, pencil Ladder 2.1 from Lee Cherry on Vimeo. The Ladder 2.1 Ladder 2.1 from Lee Cherry on Vimeo. The Ladder 2.1 Ladder 2.1 from Lee Cherry on Vimeo. The Ladder 2.1
David Gruber, David M Rieder, Tunnel Vision, 2011 Digital interactive David Gruber and David Rieder’s Tunnel Vision, a cybertextual interpretation of Mark Strand’s poem, The Tunnel. Strand’s poem dramatizes the fear and loathing that we feel as we confront a sense of the outsider within us. Gruber and Rieder’s interpretation of Strand’s poem uses a […]
Marc Russo, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Silence, Decay, Consumption, Death 2011 One featured work in ID:ENTITY that exemplifies the experimental dynamic nature of the exhibition is a four-screen installation by Marc Russo depicting The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In Russo’s re-imagining, the first horseman, Silence, prevents communication and censors thoughts and expression. […]